Expensive Landline Phones – VOIP phones

The situation

The organisation was overwhelmed with extremely high operating costs for a multi-site (four sites) phone system that cost $2800 per month to operate. Not only was this phone system very expensive to use, but it was extremely feature lacking as only the main line for the organisation was able to support voicemail, and calling between sites to specific people was difficult. Any additional voicemail mailboxes required a system upgrade that was quoted at $10,000 to install. 

The target

The organisation required a functional multi-site phone system that was mindful of a limited operating budget. Individual management staff were to have their own incoming lines, to streamline incoming phone calls.

The action

The organisation moved towards a cloud based VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol – or phones that use an internet connection rather than phone lines) phone system. 

The result

Monthly phone usage fees dropped from $2800 per month to less than $600 per month, while the volume of calls made increased by more than double. All management and head office staff had their own direct lines, meaning that the receptionist was able to spend more time performing more useful administrative duties, and less time mindlessly routing phone calls all over the organisation.