Managing Company Smart Phones – Mobile Device Management (MDM)

The organisation had many different models and brand of phones, all on different phone plans. Staff were having various issues with their phones and because each phone was different, it became difficult to provide fast solutions to phone problems that they encountered. Phones weren’t working, staff weren’t happy and clients were upset at calls being missed due to phone issues.

Remote Desktop Issues – Multi-site Business Network

The organisation had no existing site to site networking infrastructure in place. This meant that staff at any site other than head office were using Remote Desktop to connect back to a server in the Head Office site which was slow, and didn’t provide a very good end user experience. This meant that staff weren’t able to be as productive when trying to get through their computer based work tasks, as the lack of a proper network was slowing them down.

VoIP Phones

Expensive Landline Phones – VOIP phones

The organisation was overwhelmed with extremely high operating costs for a multi-site (four sites) phone system that cost $2800 per month to operate. Not only was this phone system very expensive to use, but it was extremely feature lacking as only the main line for the organisation was able to support voicemail, and calling between sites to specific people was difficult. Any additional voicemail mailboxes required a system upgrade that was quoted at $10,000 to install.

Office365 Logo

Email Issues – Office 365 Migration

The organisation was experiencing a number of problems with an aging email server, including limited email storage space and frequent crashing causing downtime. It was identified that this was an issue that was causing disruption across the entire organisation.