Cloud Services are rapidly increasing in popularity.  They provide many benefits to most businesses who are focused on reducing cost and increasing productivity.  Zevo will help you navigate the options and the benefits for your business. 

Cloud services can reduce the amount of fixed infrastructure required. (including servers, PBX systems, and complicated networking equipment).

Cloud services operate on a ‘Pay As You Go’ (PAYG) service model where you will pay per user, per hour or per amount used. This PAYG pricing model means that you don’t need to pay upfront for a better server, if you expect to grow substantially in a few years. Simply pay for what you use, in that month (or year).

Some of the most popular cloud based IT services that we provide include:

  • Cloud based email and applications based on Microsoft Office365 or Google Gsuite.
  • Cloud based server infrastructure based on Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS.
  • Basic cloud hosted email and applications through Google Gsuite.
  • Advanced cloud hosted email through Microsoft Office365.

Not sure which option you need? Contact us and we can show you which option would be best for your business.

Premium cloud hosted email and applications through Microsoft Office365 includes Microsoft Office licensing, cloud storage and cloud based video conferencing.

Is your organisation a registered Not For Profit? Both Google and Microsoft offer free and heavily discounted options for both platforms. Contact us to get more information about the free/heavily discounted cloud email and application offerings.

Cloud based server infrastructure is dependent on your business requirements, please contact us for a free requirements analysis and costing.

  Main benefits of Cloud Services from Zevo: 

  • Cost-effective – Budget friendly pricing, with a pay per month structure, only for what you use.
  • Tailored solutions – customised to suit your business requirements (size and complexity)
  • Easily accomodate growth – If your organisation grows from 5 to 500 staff in one year, this is no problem at all for cloud services.

Please contact us for a free assessment and quote.