At Zevo, we work with multiple not for profit organisations, and we’re experienced with how a not for profit has different organisational, IT and budget requirements to work with.

The original inspiration for starting Zevo was seeing Not For Profits in NSW often stuck in one of two predicaments:

  1. They have an IT services provider who is not suggesting appropriate solutions for the organisations needs and budget
  2. They don’t have an IT services provider, are having an overwhelming number of IT issues and don’t know what to do.

The Not For Profit sector is a challenging market. Organisations have large IT requirements, but often don’t have the typical budget required for the usual solutions. We’re mission driven, we want every organisation to have the best technology at the most affordable price. We utilise Not For Profit discounted services and we have partnered with a variety of hardware and software vendors who provide substantial discounts for Not For Profits.

Not for profit challenges with IT

Generally, all nonprofits are financially limited, so they are often reluctant to make technology investments. This is particularly true for organisations that directly service people in need, such as health services and homeless shelters—they want to put their money into helping people.

Migrating IT Services to the cloud is a common goal for many Not For Profits, as they usually have outdated infrastructure that is no longer working reliably, and the cost of a new server is no easy pill to struggle. At Zevo, we strongly recommend that small NFP’s move their email and document storage to the cloud, as both Google and Microsoft offer great platforms for absolutely no cost. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s not.  We have assisted many NFP’s to make the switch.

Technology Making a Difference

We understand that every NFP is different. We’re not like a typical IT Managed Service Provider (MSP) that wants to standardiseeach company onto a generic system, which might not be the best fit for the organisation.

We also find that the staff in many NFP’s are less technically inclined, meaning that they need some extra help to get them back in the right direction. We pride ourselves on excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and often receive positive feedback regarding this strength.

Ultimately, we want to make a difference for the organisations that serve our local communities. We value them, and want to help them in the best way possible.

Please contact us for a free assessment and quote.