Server Crashing – Server Virtualisation

The situation

The organisation was experiencing frequent crashes of their server, which would completely stop all IT systems from working across all sites, including email, internet, network drives and access to files.

The target

The organisation requires reliable IT systems, that don’t cause other IT systems to crash if they fail.

The action

Using modern server virtualisation technology, each ‘job’ that a server is performing are split up into separate ‘virtual servers’ that run together side by side on a physical server. These jobs can include: domain controllers, print servers, file servers, update servers and remote desktop servers etc. Modern virtualisation technology allows each server ‘job’ to be compartmentalised from the other jobs running on the server, meaning that if one of those jobs were to crash, it does not affect the other jobs running on the server. Virtualisation technology also allows better backups and recovery of servers, as they’re backed up as individual ‘jobs’ and can be restored individually.

The result

The organisation experienced significantly less unexpected IT system downtime, as IT outages dropped from being a monthly occurrence, to a less than once per year occurrence. This further resulted in less staff downtime, and increased productivity of staff, as they were able to trust their IT devices more, as they very infrequently stopped working.