Staff IT Literacy Issues – Staff Training

The situation

The staff within the organisation had a limited understanding of Information Technology, and how to use their devices effectively and efficiently for their jobs.

The target

For staff to feel comfortable with the technology that they use across the organisation, and to feel like they can be properly assisted with any IT issues from their IT Services Provider, without feeling talked down to, or listening to tech speak.

The action

We created a positive and inclusive IT culture within the organisation where staff felt comfortable to approach us for IT support or any general IT questions that they had. When helping staff with issues, we spoke with them as a person, guided them through the issue in a helpful easy simple english language that they understood and tried to help them understand how they can solve that problem in the future if it happens again.

The result

Staff genuinely feel comfortable with the technology that they use on a daily basis and they know that if they have a problem with that technology, they can contact us for some helpful and quick IT support to get them back to what they’re working on ASAP.